Freshness. Purity. Thoughtless.
Energy. Spontaneous. Spaciousness, calmness , Connection.
The sense and feeling of being part of the energy. So warm, so fresh, so clam, so vivid, so vast!

when is jul 24 recording will be uploaded ?

Today, I am being kind to myself! ❤

Today I will practice to be aware of my zone of resilience.

I can change my identity by letting go of attachments and connecting to the natural state!

I am here. I have arrived!


rest in the moment between stimulus and response. It's okay to wait there.

We like to think that emotions are magical and special. Really they just are - they are not special. They just are.

zoom is telling me to complete the last session.

Julie B
By feeling an emotion and knowing it is impermanent, am I bypassing it? No, I can be intentional about feeling it and still knowing it will pass.

Julie B
is “WAAAAAAHHHH!” an emotion?

Bill Gates: "Moving at the speed of trust" - This was profound to me. thank you

When I'm aware of my emotions, they exert less imperceptible control over me. Instead, my awareness of them allows me to find the wise guidance to lead me to my best self.

My aha moment is that suppressing my emotion is the basis for my burnout. I can see clearly now the correlation.

Space is wisdom. Space is power. And preview and review.

due to very fortunate conditions, suppressed feelings surface, and when I get in touch with it directly, and feel it...oh god, I discover a whole new world

I realized when I feel balanced with my emotions, and confident about my view, motivation and conduct, judgments coming from others don't throw me off as much!

Carlos Ferreyros
jan bramlett
Jason Mears
jan bramlett
Brian Sano

Christine Brooks
Emotions are written in the body and have their own unique emotional signature. Through awareness we can begin to learn our unique emotional signatures to make them more workable.

Elena Aguilar
When looking at emotions I focus on the BIG negative emotions. I am learning to see the fizz of all emotion.

Cynthia Wenner
I loved hearing that remembering is to re-embody. I will take this aha moment and share it with my family friends and students.
Jack Salamone

jan bramlett
Feelings of guilt and shame are JUDGMENT about what I'm experiencing. Never saw them that way.
John Mallon
The Feel, Hold and Look whilst listening to others, is a revelation to me. Offers a completely new, fresh way of being in relation to others. Can't wait to play and experiement more with this in the future.

Rachel Seely
Carlos Ferreyros
I tried doing the Feel Hold Look as I felt the impulse to look at my phone for no reason just habitual and stoped and applied the technic, wow what an intense pull.

jan bramlett
I burn my house down in crisis.

jan bramlett

Nik Satterfield
The literal universe of perspective that is liberated in the "hold" portion of mindful gap!

Robbie Rettmer
In our breakout, my partner and I discovered that underlying both anger and fear is the experience of not being heard!

Preston G
Such a relief to be practicing Emotional Rescue! I tend to get stuck in blame, not a great feeling. Using Mindful Gap to pause and give some space to my emotions is a game changer. Thank you!

Heidi K
As an activist, I can say this past year has been unbelievably draining. Using the ER method, I'm taking back my energy and creativity for building the world we want.

Gretchen R
The ER method is simple, but it absolutely works. Even with everything that’s going on right now, I’m finding ways to deal with the emotional energy without getting overwhelmed.

Janae S
It may not seem like a big deal, but just being reminded to be kind to myself while learning to work with my emotions was really great. Thank you so much.

Mario M
Now I have tools to manage my frustration and anger a lot better. As a parent, I have to be able to do this stuff myself before I can teach it to my kids.

Claire W
I have realized how much my family culture gave me the habit of avoiding my emotions. Now I see the possibility that experiencing those emotions directly can unlock energy for the things I care about in my life.